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Re: Topband: CY9C

Subject: Re: Topband: CY9C
From: Mike Fatchett W0MU <>
Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2024 07:38:09 -0600
List-post: <>
Sounds like you were looking for a reason to stop instead of a reason to stay.  People have been the same @#$#$holes as they were 50 years ago, they just have more ways to make themselves known.

I don't let others ruin my fun and enjoyment of the hobby.  Ignore those that bother you and continue on.  Hate FT modes or understand that the hobby is in constant change.  All the quitters will never bring back CW to 160 only people diligent to use CW will keep CW alive on 160.  People leaving is a self fulfilling prophecy.

At 78 you should do what you love.  If ham radio is too much to maintain or too troubling, good luck.  Sorry to see you go.


On 9/7/2024 12:31 AM, ok1tn wrote:
Hi dxers.

I am 78. I have all ctrs cfm. I had a dream to land 300 on 160m. I will not
complete the remaining 3 lands. I gave up no more dxcc. Not only the FT8 but
also the behavior of some of today's hams has discouraged me from
continuing. All my life I have been perfecting the setup, especially the
antenna setup. I have carried out several expeditions, including to the
Pacific, Africa, Asia, etc. I wish the rest of my friends to enjoy a
wonderful hobby that will no longer bring me joy and pleasure.

Ch. Slavek ok1tn,

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