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Re: Topband: N5J Live Stream?

Subject: Re: Topband: N5J Live Stream?
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 10:54:13 -0700
List-post: <>
That's the kit. AG6EE, who's adapted many of George's ideas to the activation of rare grids on 6M, and even for moonbounce, turned me on to the EG4 integrated line of batteries and inverters. I settled on a single 6KV inverter, with six 100Ah 54V LiFePO4 batteries. The inverters can be paralleled, and I originally planned two. But running temporarily rigged system through a dozen or so power failured with a single inverter and three batteries showed that I wanted one inverter and six batteries. The inverter is wall-mounted, the batteries are built to mount in a rolling rack of the sort used in data centers. The company recently introduced an 18KV inverter.

Signature Solar is a distributor, and I've been happy with them.

I used the system once when contesting, and found it relatively quiet -- noted one very strong modulated carrier somewhere in 40M, maybe around 7090 kHz.

We don't have any A/C here, and adding it or a heat pump to our home isn't very practical based on its construction. Summers were cooler here when it was built 40 years ago. Obviously, that loading significantly impacts system design.

Because the starting current of the battery chargers I've found give generators a hard time, I must run the EU2200i significantly below its rated loading, so it can't keep up. I've recently bought a larger dual-fuel gen from Costco. It's not yet seen service.

73, Jim K9YC

On 8/11/2024 11:34 PM, Michael Tope wrote:
I just bought a propane conversion kit from "Hutch Mountain" for my EU2000i:

I haven't installed it yet, but I am looking forward being freed from the curse of long-term gasoline storage and gummed up carburetors.

BTW, how big is the inverter you are using, Jim?

73, Mike W4EF.............

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