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Re: [TenTec] TT (Orion) Future improvements!!!

To: tentec@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TenTec] TT (Orion) Future improvements!!!
From: Duane A Calvin <ac5aa@juno.com>
Reply-to: tentec@contesting.com
Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2005 23:12:35 -0600
List-post: <mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
Speaking of the color screen (a non problem in my opinion), the following
new rig from ICOM might throw more gasoline on this fire . . .


73,  Duane

On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 04:19:08 +0200 "Geoffrey S. Mendelson"
<gsm@mendelson.com> writes:
> On Sun, Feb 13, 2005 at 08:45:45PM -0500, Ron Notarius wrote:
> > For example:  Remember the Argosy.  Back in the day, I could put 
> an Argosy
> > and a TS-430S side by side.  I'd estimate that about 90% of the 
> time, if you
> > gave it an honest evaluation on receive, it was at worst a wash, 
> but usually
> > the Argosy could hear things better with less noise.  And if you 
> put both
> > rigs on the same station & antenna & switched back and forth, I 
> can not ever
> > recall a single time that the guy on the other end said the 430 
> sounded
> > better than the 525; either there was no difference or the other 
> way around.
> > So why did we sell about ten or more 430's to every 525?  Power 
> output.  100
> > W out vs. 50.  And don't bother telling me that it's only a 3dB 
> difference,
> > and that you probably wouldn't notice that on the air -- because 
> it's true.
> > But people who were willing to accept the lack of bells & 
> whistles, or of a
> > digital readout (until the 525D came out), or of 12 & 17 meter 
> coverage kept
> > stopping dead at the power output.  Maybe it was a convenient 
> excuse for
> > some, but the bottom line is that I kept hearing "if only the 
> Argosy put out
> > a 100 Watts!"
> Ron, I disagree completely. The 430 was an entirely different rig. 
> The
> Argosy was an old timer by that time. It was a PTO tuned, analog 
> rig
> while the 430 was a digital, PLL synthesized rig, with many more 
> features.
> The 430 had a general coverage receiver, the Argosy did not. The 
> 430
> had two "VFOs" built in and could work split the Argosy could not.
> The 430 received and transmitted in AM and FM the Argosy could not.
> The 430 had 8 memories the Argosy had none. 
> Quite simply the 430 was the future of ham radio at the time and 
> the
> Argosy was its past. 
> I'm not saying the Argosy was a bad rig, I'm just saying that 
> comparing
> it to a 430 was not fair. The 430 had in one box features that an 
> Argosy
> user could only dream of. 
> It's a matter of company focus. Kenwood went with the do everything
> you can and do some of them well concept, TenTec went with the do
> few things, but be the best. 
> Geoff.
> -- 
> Geoffrey S. Mendelson, Jerusalem, Israel gsm@mendelson.com  
> IL Voice: 972-544-608-069  IL Fax: 972-2-648-1443 U.S. Voice: 
> 1-215-821-1838 
> VoIP (Email to schedule) Free World Dialup: 523178  Skype: 
> gsmendelson
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Duane Calvin, AC5AA
Austin, Texas

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