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[TenTec] antennas & such

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] antennas & such
From: k4sqr@juno.com (k4sqr@juno.com)
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 06:11:30 -0500
I second AA4NN's comments. Enuf off-subject topic on Ten-Tec NG pse.
There is an Antennas NG at antennas@qth.net
Jim, K4SQR

On Wed, 24 Jan 2001 18:31:35 -0500 Joe L Blackwell <aa4nn@juno.com>
> Well, I'm just sitting here wondering... is this the Ten-Tec
> reflector or am I going crazy reading all these posts about
> balanced antennas and such.  I know Ten-Tec has a 12
> meter vertical for sale, you can hardly miss it.  But all these
> post on antennas, doesn't this belong on some another list?
> Give it a rest.
> 73, de Joe Blackwell, aa4nn
> CW only.    eeetet   ee
> --
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