I must admit to being a little envious right now. I had been saving up for an
Omni VII, but a furnace repair last night (a neccesity in Pittsburgh at this
time of the year!) just ate up most of those shekels.
However, were I right now in the position you're in & had the shekels to spare,
most likely I'd go with the Eagle. The specs and the ergonomics are very
impressive. The only reason I'd go with the Omni VII, for casual operating,
right now is the remote control capability via the Ethernet port, something I
personally am very interested in.
This is not to say that the Omni VII would be a bad choice for you, and I
suspect that you'll end up happy with either rig. I just don't think that for
casual operating, the differences between the two rigs is huge enough to make a
significant difference.
In my own case, besides the remote capability, I do enough contesting that I
think the Omni VII would be a better choice. But, home heating comes first!
73, ron w3wn
Dec 22, 2010 08:29:08 AM, wrote:
Fellow Ten Tec admirers,
I'm torn between a new Eagle and a used Omni VII.
I do mostly casual operating, get on contests only to make contacts (never to
compete), operate 160 to 6, do mostly CW and PSK, with some SSB and RTTY. I'm
thinking about trying remote operation just to see if I can catch a band
opening during my lunch hour at work.
The Eagle has 10 dB more dynamic range narrow spaced, but the sensitivity is
about the same on both rigs.
Does anyone have experience or opinions about which is the better rig? I
realize that I'd need to operate them for myself, but short of buying them
both, that probably won't happen.
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