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[Trlog] Now you see it... and now you don't...

Subject: [Trlog] Now you see it... and now you don't...
From: vr2bg at (VR2BrettGraham)
Date: Sun Mar 9 18:16:14 2003
S57AD wrote:

>I tried the same with my database and found the same. No matter which way I
>enter new data (be it within POST U E E, or adding them manually at the end
>of .ASC file, either creating new, short .DTA file with just new calls in it
>and merging new .DTA with existing one with POST U E F D), always happens
>the same. The calls does exist in .DTA file and dissapear when you turn the
>file into .ASC format. Maybe my own database file is too large (nearly
>120.000 calls in it), but friend's one is not as large as mine...  Maybe the
>answer for dissapearing calls, mentioned by VR2BG several months ago doesn't
>lie in how large particular cells are (S5 cell in my database is now as
>large as 77800 bytes) but in reading binary (.DTA) file and converting it
>into ASCII one?  In the ASCII file I saw some busted "calls", say Z32  =H1,
>ZW5,  YU1, etc. After erasing them, converting the database into .DTA and
>reconverting back into .ASC format, those "calls" #reappear#!

I did a POST U E Z the other day & was surprised to see I've collected some
10-10 numbers.  Don't know at what stage those crept in.  New data either added
manually with a text editor or TR logs with POST U E F F.  Now at something 
78k calls & 44k at cell JH.

Since getting the dupes out some time back, I keep the .asc file & turn it back
into a .dta when I need to use it.  I don't do U E As & U E Bs - just U E Bs.

73, VR2BrettGraham

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