If I recall correctly, the penalty QSOs are (should be) reflected in
the "published" line scores. The Qs X Mults X 2 = Score equation
should work with the numbers they've posted, but they don't.
On 3/14/07, K9AY <k9ay at k9ay.com> wrote:
> A busted QSO is simply removed, including busted calls where they find you
> in the log of a guy with a similar call.
> NIL has a one QSO penalty. I can't remember if the results show the real QSO
> total or with the penalty QSOs removed. Your UBN report should clarify this.
> BUT ... there have also been a few mistakes and typos in the past that
> changed the standings after the results were released.
Lee Hiers, AA4GA
"Have Dobro Will Travel"