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[SECC] N3ZL back on the air.

Subject: [SECC] N3ZL back on the air.
From: at (Greg Davis)
Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2008 17:38:55 -0500
Hi guys,

I've been at Clemson since August and staying pretty busy. There is a
club station here but it is currently not on the air due to some tower
work and such. It will not be too hard to get it back on the air but
it could take a couple months of waiting on university maintenance.

In the meantime, I was pondered deploying some sort of sloper out of
my 3rd floor dorm room window but then I thought of operating from the
van I am driving with my FT857 and selection of Hustler mobile
verticals. When I went home this past weekend for fall break I set
everything up and worked several stations including a handful of EU
while driving across town Monday afternoon and then on the drive back
to Clemson Tuesday afternoon, I had a few QSOs to shorten the trip. It
feels good to have the sounds of cw back in my ears after a couple
months QRT.

While I was home I also made 70 QSOs in the SS on Sunday afternoon in
a couple hours of very relaxed operating. I would have liked to have
done a semi-serious effort but I was quite busy with other things.

The good news is now I am back on the air on 10,15,17,20,40, and 80M,
so listen out for me during the evenings operating from the van out in
the parking lot.. until my bank of retired phone company batteries

73 de Greg N3ZL

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