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[SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests

Subject: [SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Tue, 03 Feb 2015 15:47:24 -0500
Late reported score:

CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 1/28/15, 1900Z
NM2L    70  54  3,780  SO LP  1.0  GA  SECC

1.  NCCC NS Sprint Ladder, 1/30/14
W4OC   58  43  2,494  SO LP  0.5  GA  SECC  SO2R
K1GU   46  32  1,472  SO LP  0.5  TN  TCG
W4NZ   42  34  1,428  SO LP  0.5  TN  TCG

2.  North American Sprint, SSB  Time  St  Club  Team
K4BAI   314  61  19,154  SO HP  4.0   GA  SECC  SECC
WW4LL   275  57  15,675  SO HP  4.0   GA  GCG   GCG#1
N4OX    250  58  14,500  SO LP  4.0   FL  ACG   ACG
N4PN    262  55  14,410  SO HP  4.0   GA  GCG   GCG#1
KU8E    227  61  13,847  SO LP  4.0   GA  SECC  SECC  SO2R
N4OO    213  52  11,076  SO LP  3:47  GA  GCG   GCG#1
N4BCD   167  52   8,684  SO HP  4.0   TN  TCG   TCG
AB4B    149  55   8,195  SO LP  3.0   AL  ACG   ACG
NM2L    167  49   8,183  SO LP  4.0   GA  SECC
N9DFD   153  48   7,344  SO LP  3:45  GA
AA4NU   144  51   7,344  SO LP  4.0   TN  TCG   TCG
N6EE*   143  49   7,007  SO HP  3.0   GA  NCCC  NCCC#2
W2GDJ   151  45   6,795  SO LP  4.0   NC  SECC  SECC
N9GQA    77  37   2,849  SO LP  4.0   GA  GCG   GCG#1
N2WF     83  33   2,739  SO LP  3.0   GA  SECC  SECC
KC4HW    74  37   2,738  SO LP  2.0   AL  ACG   ACG
KG4USN   68  38   2,584  SO LP  3.0   GA  GCG   GCG#1
K0EJ     80  32   2,560  SO LP  1.5   TN  TCG   TCG
WI4L     53  31   1,643  SO HP  4.0   GA
K4BLL    45  25   1,125  SO LP  1:30  GA  SECC
N4XL     29  20     580  SO LP  1.0   SC  SECC  SECC
N4DMX    17  14     238  SOQRP  2:45  GA
KJ4LTA    3              SO _P        AL  ACG   ACG
*Station in Atlanta operated remotely from NJ.  I assume this was the 
W8JI remote station.

Team Scores:

GCG    45,594
SECC   43,115
ACG    25,433 + KJ4LTA
TCG    19,680 + ?

3.  UBA (Belgium) SSB Contest
K4BAI  97  58  20,008  SO AB HP 6hr  2:11  GA  SECC

4.  February Adventure Radio Society Spartan Sprint
K4BAI  33         33  SO QRP Tubby  2.0  GA  SECC
N4SX   31         31  SO QRP Tubby  2.0  GA
AB9CA  29         29  SO QRP Tubby  2.0  AL

This Week's Contests:

1.  40M QRP Fox Hunt.  Tonight.  Tuesday local, 0200-0330Z Wed UTC date. 
  Two foxes (N1IX, DAVE, NH and NK6A, DON, CA) will be QRV between 7030 
and 7050 kHz.  5W max power.  Exchange:  RST, SPC, Name, Power.  If K1N 
is on 7023 during that time, both foxes may be up near 7050 kHz.

2.  CWOps Club CWT Mini Tests.  Three separate one hour mini tests. 
1300Z, 1900Z, and 0300Z (Thursday UTC date) every Wednesday.  160-10M 
CW.  Exchange:  Name + CWOps# or SPC.  Usual frequencies are 7028-7038 
kHz, but if K1N has a pile up on any band, activity will be above the 
pile up and/or below the K1N frequency.

3.  80M QRP Fox Hunt.  Thursday night local, Friday UTC date.  Same 
rules as #1 above except the frequency range is 3550 to 3570 and the 
Foxes are scheduled to be AC7A TOM AZ and WX2S STEVE NJ.

4.  NCCC NA Sprint Practice RTTY.  Thursday night local, Friday UTC date 
0145-0215Z.  20, 40, 80, 160M RTTY.  100W maximum power.  One kHz QSY 
rule.  Exchange:  both calls, #, name, SPC.  Usual frequencies: up 80 
khz and 1805 kHz.  Frequencies will vary if there is a DX pile up.

5.  NCCC NS Ladder CW Sprint Practice.  Thurs night loca, Friday UTC 
date 0230-0259Z.  20, 40, 80, 160M CW.  100W maximum power.  One kHz QSY 
rule.  Exchange:  both calls, #, name, SPC.  Usual frequencies: up 40 
kHz and 1815 up.  Frequencies will go up or down if there is a DX pileup 

6.  YL-ISSB QSO Party, CW.  0000Z Sat to 2359Z Sun.  "all bands" CW. 
Exchange:  RST + Name + SPC + YLISSB# if you have one.  Not much 
activity to be expected in this one.

7.  Triathlon DX Contest.  Saturday.  CW: 0000Z to 0759Z.  SSB: 
0800-1559Z.  RTTY:  1600-2359Z.  Exchange:  RST + Serial #.  Not much 
activity expected in this one either.

8.  Vermont QSO Party.  48 hours of Sat/Sun.  160-UHF CW, Ph, Dig. 
Exchange:  RS(T) + S/P or VT county.

9.  10-10 International Winter Contest, SSB.  48 hours of Sat/Sun.  10M 
Phone.  Exchange: Name + 10-10# (or "0") + SPC.

10.  Black Sea Cup International Contest.  12Z Sat to 1159Z Sun. 
160-10M CW, SSB.  Exchange:  RS(T) + ITU Zone or HQ station abbreviation 
or "BS" + club# for BS Cup club  members.

11.  Straight Key Century Club (SKCC) Weekend Sprintathon (SKS).  1200Z 
Sat to 2400Z Sun. 24 hours maximum operating time. Use only mechanical 
key.  160-6M CW.  Exchange:  RST, SPC, Name, SKCC# or "NONE."

12.  FYBO Winter QRP Sprint.  1400-2400Z Sat.  160-10M CW, SSB, Digital. 
  5W max power.  Exchange:  RS(T) + SPC + Name + temperature (F).  Not a 
lot of activity but there is always some near the QRP calling frequencies.

13.  Minnesota QSO Party. 1400-2400Z Sat.  160-10M.  CW/Dig, Phone. 
Exchange:  Name + S/P or MN county.

14.  British Columbia QSO Party.  1600Z Sat to 0400Z Monday.  160-10M 
CW, SSB, Digital. Exchange:  RS(T) + S/P/DX or BC District.

15.  Mexico International RTTY Contest.  18Z Sat to 1759Z Sun.  80-10M 
RTTY.  Exchange: RST + Serial # or XE State.

16.  NCJ North American Sprint, CW.  0000 to 0400Z Sun (Sat night 
local).  10, 40, 80M CW.  Exchange:  both calls, #, name, SPC.  (only # 
and name if outside NA).  Teams of up to ten members compete.  I have a 
real good start on teams for Southeast Sprint Coalition.  Please advise 
if you want to be on a SSC team.  One/Five kHz QSY rule.

17.  North American QRP CW Club February Sprint.  0130-0330Z Wed 
(Tuesday night local).  5W max power.  Exchange:  RST + SPC + NAQCC# or 
power.  Multiply score x2 if using a hand key.  x 1 1/2 if using a bug. 
  x 1 if using a keyer or computer.

18.  40M QRP Fox Hunt. Same as #1 above except the scheduled foxes are 

19.  CWTs every Wednesday. See #2 above.

The weekend is also the annual FOC (First Class Operators Club) Marathon 
Weekend. This is a closed contest open to members only.  It runs 2100Z 
Friday until 2100Z Sunday.  Exchange is RST + FOC#.  Activity is usually 
between about 020 and 035 kHz.  No doubt activity will move to avoid any 
QRM to K1N or their callers.

Hope everyone has a good week and weekend and a lot of QSOs.  I will be 
in the FOC Marathon and the NA Sprint CW.  I'll probably call stations I 
hear in the other contests and maybe get in the SKCC WES after the FOC 
Marathon is over on Sunday.  I really like the NAQCC QRP sprint that 
will run Tuesday night. Give it a try and see if you can copy my fist on 
a hand key.

I'm sending this out on Tuesday this week because I will be in Macon on 
Wednesday.  Plan to see Paul, N4PN, and his new loop receive antenna.
73, John, K4BAI.

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