Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests
1. North American QRP CW Club Summer Milliwatt Sprint
K4BAI 37 21 3,024 SO QRPP 2.0 GA SECC
K4JPN 9 8 288 SO QRPP GA
NA4O 8 7 224 SO QRPP GA
2. NCCC NS CW Sprint Practice, 6/21/13
W4OC 52 41 2,132 SO LP __ SC SECC SO2R
K4BAI 50 40 2,000 SO LP 0.5 GA SECC
W4NZ 49 37 1,813 SO LP 0.5 TN TCG SO2R
KU8E 36 32 1,152 SO LP 0.5 GA SECC
3. ARRL Field Day
Call CWQ PhQ DigQ Score Category Time St Club
W4UCJ 803 888 127 6,906 3F LP __ GA TVL ARC
N4PN 747 1655 0 6,298 1E LP 23 GA GCG
WA8REI 262 0 0 2,870 1E QRP 13.5 MI SECC
NV4B 218 0 0 2,430 1E QRP 7:31 AL ACG
KU8E 561 237 0 2,222 1D LP 11:48 GA SECC
AA4LR 360 3 0 1,446 1E LP 9.2 GA SECC
W4IX 629 258 0 1,297 1D HP 13.5 SC SECC
K1ZZI 326 0 0 578 1D HP 3 GA GCG
WA4ZOF 34 0 0 340 1B QRP _ MI ACG
WA8HSB 55 0 3 232 1D QRP 2.5 AL ACG
I was at W4CVY, 4A GA. Don't have the claimed score yet, but I think
the two CW and two SSB stations together made about 1500 QSOs. No doubt
some others made by the GOTA station (W4CHS), plus VHF and satellite.
4. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 6/26/13, 1300Z
K1GU 78 57 4,446 SO HP __ TN TCG
K2SX 62 46 2,852 SO HP 1.0 SC
K4JAZ 10 10 100 SO LP 1.0 AL
5. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 6/26/13, 1900Z
W4NZ 39 32 1,248 SO LP 0:34 TN TCG SO2R
6. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 6/27/13, 0300Z
K4BAI 113 79 8,927 SO HP 1.0 GA SECC
WN4AFP 23 21 483 SO LP 0.6 SC
WA8HSB 11 10 110 SO QRP 1.0 TX ACG
7. June Straight Key Century Club Weekday Sprint
NN4K 15 10 280 SO LP GA SECC
AI4UN 13 11 223 SO LP GA GCG
WD4EXI 8 7 121 SO LP GA
KB0ETU 6 5 115 SO QRP AL
W4FOA 3 3 29 SO LP GA
NU4M 2 2 19 SO LP GA
AB4RH 2 2 14 SO LP GA
This Week's Contests:
1. NCCC RTTY Sprint Practice. 0130-0159Z Friday (Thursday night
local). 15-80M RTTY. Same band dupes OK this week after one intervening
QSO. 100W maximum power. One kHz QSY rule.
Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC. Look around 080 kHz.
2. NCCC CW Sprint Practice. 0230-0259Z Friday (Thursday night local).
15-160M CW. 100W maximum power. One kHz QSY rule. Exchange: both
calls, #, name, SPC. Look around 040 kHz and 1815 kHz.
NO CONTESTS ON THE WEEKEND (5th weekend in June). Have some rag chews
and work some DX.
3. RAC Canada Day Contest. 24 hours of Monday UTC. (Starts Sunday
night). 160-2M CW, Phone. Exchange: RS(T) + serial # or VE
4. 10-10 International Spirit of 76 QSO Party. 0001Z Monday through
2400Z July 7 (Sunday week). 10M CW, SSB, PSK31, RTTY, FM, AM.
Exchange: Name + 10-10# (or "0"), SPC.
5. Adventure Radio Society Spartan Sprint. 0100-0300Z Tuesday (Monday
night local). 5W maximum power. 80-10M CW. Exchange: RST, SPC, Power.
On July 4, the holiday, the NRAU will have some single mode single hour
10M contests or actually one contest with an hour each on CW, SSB,
Digital, and FM. Afraid conditions to northern Europe may not be too
good, but could be fun if the band is open. And the MiQRP Club will
have a CW Sprint in the afternoon and evening. I'm summarize those
rules in next Wednesday's report.
Hope everyone has a good week and weekend and a lot of QSOs. Take a
listen at six meters when you get the chance. There have been some very
good 6M openings during the past week.
73, John, K4BAI.