Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:
1. Florida QSO Party
Call CW Q Ph Q CW M Ph M Score Category Time St Club Notes
W4AN/M 2215 0 68 0 602,480 MOMobCWLP 19:15 FL SECC Ops:
K4BAI, KU8E. 29 counties
NF4A/M 1296 124 ~57 ~23 ~434,880 SOMobMixLP 20 FL FCG
W1ZM 285 544 57 67 138,136 SOMixHP 12 FL TCG By K0EJ
KC4HW/M 499 0 56 0 111,776 SOMobCWLP 6.5 FL ACG
N4JF 211 14 62 ? 92,868 SOMixQRP 16 AL ACG
N4PN 239 230 65 55 84,960 SOMixHP 16 GA SECC
W4UCZ 192 0 60 0 46,080 SO CW LP 14 GA SECC
K1ZZI 242 0 62 0 30,008 SO CW HP 9.1 GA SECC
W4NZ 192 0 59 0 22,656 SO CW HP 9.5 TN TCG
W4SVO 0 253 0 50 12,650 SOSSB HP 2 FL SECC
AE4O 76 0 33 0 10,032 SO CW LP 3 GA SECC
W4BQF 89 0 47 0 8,366 SO CW HP 3.4 GA SECC
WA4WLI 65 0 29 0 7,540 SO CW LP 4 AL ACG
W4NBS 81 8 35 7 6,820 SOMix LP 7 AL ACG
N4JIK 34 14 18 11 4,756 SOMix LP 2.3 AL ACG
KG4CUY 34 0 24 0 3,264 SO CW LP _ AL ACG
K4HAL 56 9 25 0 2,800 SO CW HP 1 AL ACG
K4AB 28 0 18 0 1,008 SO CW HP 1 AL ACG
K4EOR ~20 0 ? 0 ? SO CW LP _ GA
2. NCCC NS Ladder, 4/23/10
N4OGW 53 36 1,908 SOLP 0.5 MS ACG SO2R
K0EJ 47 36 1,692 SOLP 0.5 TN TCG
W4OC 49 34 1,666 SOLP 0.5 SC SECC
K4BAI 49 33 1,617 SOLP 0.5 GA SECC
K1ZZI 43 34 1,462 SOLP 0.5 GA SECC
W4NZ 41 33 1,353 SOLP 0.5 TN TCG SO2R
KY4F 20 16 320 SOLP 0.5 AL ACG
3. Nebraska QSO Party
W4NBS 4 3 3 2 55 SOMixLP 1.0 AL ACG
This Week's Contests:
1. NCCC Thursday Night Practices. Slow Speed SNS 0200-0220+ UTC
Friday. 20, 40, 80M CW. 100W maximum. 18 WPM maximum speed for first
10 minutes, 26 WPM maximum thereafter. One kHz QSY rule. Exchange:
both calls, #, name, SPC. NS Ladder. 0230-0259Z. 20, 40, 80, 160M CW.
No speed limit. Rest of rules same as SNS.
2. MARAC (Mobile Amateur Radio Awards Club) CW QSO Party. 48 hours of
Sat & Sun UTC. 80-10M CW. Exchange: RST + State + County or "DX."
Work everyone.
3. MARAC SSB QSO Party. Same rules except send RS instead of RST.
4. 10-10 International Spring Digital Contest. 0001Z Sat to 2359Z Sun.
10M Digital only. Exchange: RST + SPC + 10-10 # if you have one.
5. 7th Call Area QSO Party. 13Z Sat to 07Z Sun. 160-2M CW, Phone,
Digital. Exchange: RS(T) + 5 letter state/county code. Work only
stations in 7th US Call Area.
6. Indiana QSO Party. 16Z Sat to 04Z Sun. 160-10M Phone, CW.
Exchange: RS(T) + SPC or IN county. Bonus points for a QSO with W9UUU
or W9TE/90.
7. New England QSO Party. 20Z Sat to 05Z Sun; 13-24Z Sun. 80-10M
Phone, CW/Digital. Exchange: RS(T) + SPC or RS(T) + New England County
& State. Work only stations in US first call area.
8. ARI (Italy) International DX Contest. 20Z Sat to 1959Z Sun.
160-10M Phone, CW, RTTY (except no RTTY on 160M). Exchange: RS(T) + 2
letter province ID. Work everybody, not just I stations.
9. May Adventure Radio Society Spartan Sprint. Monday night lpcal.
01-03Z Tuesday UTC. 80-10M CW. 5W maximum power. Exchange: RST + SPC
+ Power.
Hope everyone has a nice week and weekend and a lot of QSOs. This
weekend my high school class (Columbus High School 1960) will have its
50th anniversary reunion. Should be a lot of fun.
Last year, a number of stations in the Pacific North West reported QSOs
with FL stations on 10 and 15M and Mid West stations reported QSOs with
FL on 15M. 6 meters has been open already. When there is e-skip on 6M,
it is often also present on 10, 15, and 20M. So, don't forget to check
the higher bands for such openings even after dark. Also late spring
conditions are bringing good world wide F layer openings on 20M after
dark many nights.
For those of you who might be looking for a nice low pressure contest
for fun, the QRP sprints such as the Spartan Sprint on Monday night
provide a great opportunity for fun without a lot of stress. You'll be
surprised what you can work with 5W or less.
73, John, K4BAI.