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[SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests

Subject: [SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 21:30:15 -0500
Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:

1.  ARRL 10M Contest
Call    CW Q  Ph Q  CW M  Ph M  Score    Category  Time  St  Club  Misc
K4BAI    223   129  50    30     92,000  SOMixHP   15:19 GA  SECC
K1ZZI    309     0  52     0     64,272  M/SCWHP   11    GA  SECC  +PKT
K4LY      80    70  35    27     28,520  SOMixLP    7    SC  CDXA
K4ZJ     161     0  41     0     26,404  SOCWQRP   25.5  GA  SECC
N4GG     115    25  33    12     22,950  M/SMixHP   6    GA  SECC  +PKT
NN4F      39   110  20    34     20,304  M/SMixHP   9    SC  LCCC  +PKT
N4PN     109    42  36    18     20,080  SOMixHP    5    GA  SECC
WF4W     145     0  33     0     19,140  SOCWLP     6.6  GA  SECC
W4SVO      0   207   0    38     15,732  SOSSBHP    9.75 FL
K4OD      65    48  26    17     15,308  SOMixLP   14.2  GA  SECC
N4NX      38    67   7    17      6,864  M/SMixLP   2    GA  SECC  +PKT
KU8E      76     0  21     0      6,216  SOCWLP     1.5  GA  SECC
K4PIC     53     5  18     2      4,440  SOMixHP    _    GA  SECC
KT4ZB      0    69   0    19      2,622  SOSSBLP    4    GA  SECC
NE4S      28    12  10     5      2,040  M/SMixLP   4    GA  SECC  +PKT
N4TOL     12     2   4     2        312  M/SMixLP   2    GA  SECC
KJ4HYG     5     3   1     1         52  SOMixLP    2    GA  SECC

2.  NCCC Ladder, Week One
W4NZ   43  35  1,505  SOLP  0.5  TN  TC
K4BAI  39  30  1,170  SOLP  0:27 GA  SECC

3.  PSK Deathmatch
KD4LCR  158  59  9,322  Class 2 Med Power  12:44  OK
KJ4HYG   39  42  1,638  Class 1            __     GA  SECC

At last we have someone interested in PSK contests.  So, I will start 
summarizing upcoming PSK contests again.

This Week's Contests:

1.  40M QRP Fox Hunt.  0200-0300Z Friday (Thurs night local).  Two foxes 
will be hiding between 7030 and 7050.  Run no more than 5W.  Work only 
the two foxes.  Exchange:  RST, SPC, Name, Power.  Tuesday night, there 
is the 80M QRP Fox Hunt with the same rules except the frequency range 
is 3550-3570.

2.  SNS Slow Speed Practice.  0200-0215Z Friday (Thursday night local).  
100W maximum.  One kHz QSY rule.  Maximum speed 18 WPM.  Exchange:  both 
calls, #, name, SPC.  20, 40, 80M CW.
3.  NCCC Ladder.  100W maximum.  20, 40, 80, 160M CW.   One kHz QSY 
rule.  Exchange:  both calls, #, name, SPC.

4.  OK (Czech) DX RTTY Contest.  24 hours of Sat UTC.  80-10M RTTY.   
Exchange:  RST + CQ zone.
5.  RAC Winter Contest.  24 hours of Saturday UTC.   160-2M CW, Phone.  
Exchange:  RS(T) + Serial # or VE province/territory.  Work everyone, 
not just Canadians.

6.  Croatian CW Contest.  14Z Sat to 14Z Sun.  160-10M CW.  Exchange:  
RST + Serial #.  Work everyone.

7.  QRP ARCI Holiday Spirits QSO Party.  20-24Z Sun.  160-10M CW.  
Exchange:  RST + SPC + ARCI# or power.

8.  December Flying Pigs QRP Club Run for the Bacon.  160-10M CW.  5W 
maximum.  0200-0400Z Mon (Sun night local).  Exchange:  RST + SPC + # or 

Hope everyone has a good week and a lot of QSOs.  73, John, K4BAI.

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