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[SECC] Announcement, SNS Tonight

Subject: [SECC] Announcement, SNS Tonight
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 17:33:47 -0500
!!!!Remember starting this week 1 hour earlier local time!!!!

Announcing the NCCC's (Northern California Contest Club) weekly Thursday
night running of the SNS.

The Slow Speed NS practice is from 0200z to 0215z (Friday UTC, Thursday
local time).  That's starting at 9:00pm EDT, 8:00pm CDT, 7:00pm MDT and
6:00pm PDT, local time Thursday.

Bands will be 40 and 80 meters (around 3540 and 7040).

In the SNS  dupes are allowed (dupe allowed after 1 intervening Q) so you
are allowed to work the same station again as long as you have worked
another station in between.

Regular NS 0230z to 0300z this week 40, 80  and 160.

NS Home:

Sites to help everyone for sprint contests.

Mike W9RE

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