1. NCCC NA CW Sprint Practice. 0230-0300 Friday UTC. 40 and 20 M
only. Dupes may be made after one intervening QSO. Count mults per
band. 1 KHZ QSY rule. Otherwise, NA Sprint rules. (You can work the
same station on different bands without an intervening QSO.)
2. Worked All Europe DX Contest CW. 24 hours of Sat and Sun UTC.
80-10M CW. Exchange RST + Serial #. QTC consisting of
time/call/serial# from earlier QSOs may be sent, as many as 10 per
station. There is a club competition which has a wider circle than we
have been used to: 312 mile diameter circle. Include SECC on your log.
3. Maryland-DC QSO Party. 16Z Sat to 04Z Sun; 16 to 2359Z Sun. 160 to
432 CW/Digital and Phone. Exchange: Category and Md County/Baltimore
City/DC or Category and SPC. Categories are: Standard (Std), Mobile,
Club, QRP. Summary sheet must be downloaded from http://www.w3cwc.org
unless you are using a computer logging program.
Hope everyone has fun and a lot of QSOs. We are still getting some
sporatic E openings on 6M. I caught a good opening on 6M Monday night
about 8 PM.
John, K4BAI.