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[SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Weekend's Contests

Subject: [SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Weekend's Contests
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2006 10:42:41 -0500
Hello all:  Last weekend's big contest event was the Phone ARRL DX 
Contest.  Just in case you haven't submitted your score yet, let me give 
you the benefit of my mistake.  On the subject line of the e-mail 
message with which you submit your log to ARRL, you must include ONLY 
your call sign.  Subject:  "callsign" is all that will be accepted.  It 
is not OK to include anything else such as "Log," etc.  This is a new 
development as I have always had more information in the subject line, 
but included the callsign.

1.  ARRL Phone DX Contest

K4EA    1251  380  1,426,140  27    SOAB(A)HP  SO2R
K4SSU   1546  306  1,419,228  38    SOABHP     Op:  NA4BW
K4TD     821  310    763,530  29.6  SOAB(A)HP
KT4Q     798  306    732,564  27    SOAB(A)HP
K4BAI    607  224    407,904  19.9  SOABHP
KY5R    1082  114    370,044  26    SOSB/20HP
KU8E     480  237    341,280  15    SOABHP
K9MUG    452  243    329,508  23    SOABHP
NF4A*    422  187    236,742  10.1  SOAB(A)HP
N4PN     639  111    212,787  26    SOSB/15HP
N4GG     256  150    115,200   6    SOAB(A)HP
KT4ZB*   263   76     58,596  20    SOSB/20LP
K4WP*    175  101     53,025  12.5  SOAB(A)LP
W4NTI    210   84     52,920   9    SOSB/20HP
KB4ET*   144   88     37,752   5    SOABLP
NE4S     104   54     16,848   9.5  SOSB/80LP
AA4LR     47   34      4,692   2.0  SOABLP
K4LW      33   23      2,208   2    SOABLP

*outside 175-mile radius.

Welcome to new member and score reporter K4WP in Savannah.

2.  March Spartan QRP Sprint

K4BAI   101       101     2.0  SOAB QRP 5W (tubby)  SO2R

A lot of contests this weekend, including NA Sprint RTTY, Idaho, 
Oklahoma, and Wisconsin QSO Parties, and the RSGB Commonwealth Contest 
(We can't participate).  Also, don't forget the Pesky Texan Armadillo 
QRP Foxhunt on 40 CW tonight.

I am afraid I will have to devote much of this weekend to getting up 
information for our tax accountant, but hope for some contest QSOs at 
odd times.  Have a good week and a lot of QSOs.


John, K4BAI.

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