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[SECC] Dinner tomorrow night anyone?

Subject: [SECC] Dinner tomorrow night anyone?
From: k4sb at (K4SB)
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 05:00:56 +0000
Greg Richard wrote:
I might be in Atlanta tomorrow night and would be free for dinner. 
Would anyone be available to get together?  drop me you work number
and I can call tomorrow if plans materialize. Will be in the Acworth
area, gotta figure out where that is..

First of all, Acworth is about 18 miles NW of I-285 on I-75N. About 6
exits N of Town Center Mall. Maybe 10-12 mins from the mall to
Acworth. 2 exits..Actually, if your destination is in the City, take
the second ( Glade Rd. ) will take you to HWY 92, Light at top of
hill, turn right and as you cross a bridge, exit to Acworth.

Be nice to get together with you for dinner. Most of the restaurants
are on 41. But 41 is about 5 mins from Acworth. Sure would be nice if
others would make the drive. Not a real long one, but don't get caught
on 75 during rush hour.


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