North American QSO Party, SSB
Call: K4SB
Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 8+
Total: 174 QSOs 74 Mults Total Score = 12,876
Club: South East Contest Club
Team: SECC Team 3?
Absolutely the worst conditions for short skip I have seen in a long
time. QRM, QRN,
and just about every other Q I can think of. 40 went long about 1800
local, and never did come short. 15 was absolutely worthless. First
time I can ever remember that the band was completely void of any
signal. 20 was OK to the NE with the big 5 element yagi, but
absolutely worthless to the West. Used the TH-11 there. TH11 about 13'
lower than the 20 yagi, which I had at 68'. Can't lower it any more
and still rotate.
Managed to work 4 or 5 of the guys. Heard K4BAI in the mud on 40 doing
S&P. W4NTI also same. Got WB4SQ on 80 (he's about 10 miles from me )
Used a new packet program I have written which allows only CW to be
displayed during a break. 20 was boiling with EU, AF, SA, AS, and VK.
At about 0400Z, I heard VK6, ZL2, XU7, JAs at 20/9 on phone.
Never again, quote the Raven...or something like that.