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Subject: [SECC] NAQP CW
From: (John T. Laney, III)
Date: Sun, 04 Aug 2002 21:36:22 -0400
Hello all:

Well, given the quality of the guys on my team, my goal was to not be
the lowest score on the team.  It seems likely that I failed in that

Had problem with bad spot on rotator and rotated tribander generally
between south, through west to NW and back again.  No doubt that hurt
some on the top three bands.

We had a complete HF blackout at 1906Z, so I took off a half hour.  I
had been unable to get the 160 meter antenna setup to work before the
contest, so I got it working half way during this break.  The MFJ
antenna tuner showed no reflected power, but the ATU in the rig wouldn't
tune it (for the first time ever).  So, without the antenna tuner, I was
running about 40 watts on 160, but it did allow for 17 QSOs in 10

The low dipole on 40 worked well.  Strangely the close in signals were
extremely weak and hard to work (including K4IQJ about 35 miles away)
until fairly late in the eventing.  Then we had a short period of strong
close in signals, and then had long skip.

The QRN was not very bad here, but was noticeable.  The highest rates
running were definitely on 80.  That is a first for me particularly for

Missed W4AN on 160 for some reason, but K2UFT came to my rescue.  Heard
AK4XX there, but couldn'g get him as he wasn't CQing and didn't answer
my CQs.

Took a half hour off for dinner with the XYL at 2310 UTC and then took
off the last hour when I figured much of the activity was dropping off
from the East Coast.

Didn't do as much QSYing for mults as in the past since didn't feel too
confident without the complete abiltiy to rotate the beam.  Also, wasn't
asked to QSY much (since GA was definitely not rare).  Good job guys.

Here is the result:

160    17    10
80    137    41
40    205    50
20    195    47
15    74      31
10    17     13

ALL 645    192   = 123,840.

10 meters was open really good to various areas for an hour before the
contest.  It was still open when the contest started, but there was
little activity.  10 meters never really opened again after the
blackout, but a few local QSYs did work and I think I got NP4Z and maybe
a few others there afterward.

Hope everyone had fun.  73,  John, K4BAI.

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