I am resending the following messages as earlier might have been captured by
the server here in London....I am planning for a vote on the club circle
soon..but not today...if a motion comes up, I will table it and any
discussion...we need time to contact all people who will be directly affected
by the location of our desired circle...and that will take some time...I am
appointing a 4 person committee to look into the merits of each proposal and
any future locations of the circles...its time to do some study and put emotion
aside...the fact that discussion has subsided is good...lets keep level heads
here and make well thought out decisions!
Ed K4SB, I have asked you very politely off reflector to "hold your
horses"...we have already alienated one person and maybe others...its time to
show that we are not emotional, but rather analytical and thoughtful...we have
plenty of time before the next contest that will require the need for a
circle...CQWW is in October for heaven sakes...so lets not get our panties in a
wad yet!
Bill, AA4LR its time to update the membership list on the reflector...I noticed
that W7UT is still listed in Conyers etc...there are others who have moved
on...K0DQ for one...first method of updating will be cross refrerence with
qrz.com....that is a fairly accurate source since it uses the FCC data
base.....if a person has moved from our imediate area....Ga, Tn, SC, Al then
they will become associate members....
I think all will agree that level heads must prevail here...if anyone has plans
that differ from those of your elected officers...I suggest that you call
me...my world wide cell is 843-597-5132 and I await your call.....
de Rick nq4i
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