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[SECC] Fwd: GaQP AC4CS Single Op HP

Subject: [SECC] Fwd: GaQP AC4CS Single Op HP
From: ac4cs at (Chris Sells)
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 00:06:23 -0500
                    Georgia QSO Party

Call: AC4CS
Operator(s): AC4CS
Station: AC4CS

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 4:23

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
   80:   10      2
   40:   52     17
   20:    0      0
   15:    0      0
   10:    0      0
Total:   31     19  CW Mults = 24  Ph Mults = 14  Total Score = 3,078

Club: South East Contest Club


I very much enjoyed participated in the Georgia state QSO party this year. 
Conditions for the half of the contest were good on forty and eighty meters. 
Forty wasn't that good on the second half.  Even the cw contacts were becoming
few and far between and sometimes hard to hear.  Not much on phone also.  But
all-in-all, a good contest.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at:

Chris Sells

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