---------------------- Forwarded Message: ---------------------
From: w3dya@juno.com
To: k2nj@marac.org, k2uft@bellsouth.net, johnshan@alltel.net,
k4bai@worldnet.att.net, k4lta@icx.net, garymf@aol.com, k4qfk@earthlink.net,
K4QPL@bellsouth.net, k4to@meginc.com, stanreas@rev.net, k4xi@aol.com,
k5cwr@juno.com, k5iid@ntelos.net, bob@hogbytes.com
Subject: announcing 2002 MARAC CH CW CONTEST MAY 4/5 - 48 hours
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 21:18:15 -0500
Greetings to county hunters and contesters:
This is an early reminder that the MARAC County Hunters CW contest begins
Friday night, 0000Z May 4 and ends Sunday night 2400Z May 5.
Complete rules are on the www.marac.org/cw/cwhome.htm web page (Select
CW2002 RULES at bottom, also CW Forum). If anyone needs any info, forms,
etc., please let me know (email, regular mail, on CHN 14056.5 KHZ)
Check out the county hunter logging program provided free by Willis,
KJ4EJ. This FREE version of KWIKLOG can be downloaded from Willis's web
site: follow links on www.countyhunter.com home page.
You still have time to practice fixed or mobile operation: MQP next
weekend, followed by FQP the following weekend. Then get some rest,
because the CH CW Contest is 48 hours the following weekend.
Feel free to announce your plans for the contest on the CW FORUM -
accessible from www.countyhunter.com or www.marac.org/cw/cwhome.htm
You don't have to operate all weekend, just drop in for a visit (fixed or
mobile or portable) when you can; we'll welcome you!
I expect to be mobile in TX the entire weekend; haven't got a route
planned so feel free to let me know if you have any specific needs.
Please forward this to anyone you think might be interested; or add to
any email reflector you like.
Good luck and 73, Norm, W3DYA