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[SECC] Apologizing

Subject: [SECC] Apologizing
From: ku8e at (Jeffrey Clarke)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 17:51:56 -0700 (PDT)
Here we go again.....

You guys need to read your emails more closely before you get bent out of shape.

My exact comment was 'I have operated from both K3LR and your station as MM and 
what Barry says is true. Tim always has an all-star cast of operators which you 
don't have."

I never said the operators at NQ4I are bad operators. I just stated the fact 
that Tim gets some of the best contesters in the country to come to operate 
from his station for just about every contest. I can't control your perception. 
Plus I don't appreciate Mark cross posting the the FCG reflector and stirring 
the fire on this controversial subject. I owe no one an apology.

In all the years I have been a member of SECC any comments I have made are 
backed up by the facts.? If anyone in the club can't deal with views that are 
opposite of what they believe they need to find another hobby. All these issues 
with SECC existed way before I came along. 

Jeff KU8E
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