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[SECC] Alabama QSO Party

Subject: [SECC] Alabama QSO Party
From: dxcc at (Allan & Bridget)
Date: Wed Sep 24 08:01:44 2003
Hi, Everyone,
Sorry for the confusion...

We have a new "rules" writer who has tried to take the questions you've
asked and edit the website (and I've included a "continued" on the first
"rules" page to make things easier to navigate...bad planning on my part)...

Let us know what else needs to be changed or clarified...

Jeff, thanks for going ahead and posting information about the AQP to there are people who REALLY appreciate the work that goes
into activating new counties for the AQP and have come up to me personally
at the Hamvention to mention it.

WG4Y will once again be in Tuscaloosa County this year at our station, so
listen for her.  She's mentioned in W3UR's column in this month's QST.  Some
of her fellow club members plan to be on from Jefferson and Shelby counties
as well.

Our "Georgia Connection" is invaluable to the AQP...thanks for all you are

Bridget, KS4YT

"I can't do any literary work for the rest of this year because I'm
meditating a lawsuit and looking around for a defendant."
--Mark Twain

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