Dear SECC'ers,
I'd like to ask that the current postings about rtty/40 meters/personal
subjects, etc. be stopped now.
As the SECC president this year, the complaints come to me and I have
been getting a lot. We have members on the verge of unsubscribing,
which helps no one.
I am by nature a consensus builder and not autocratic - but recent posts
require some action that may not be achievable by the simple setting of
good example.
Personal attacks and negative comments of a personal nature are not
appropriate here and are unwelcome. Anyone who cannot understand this -
please send me a private email for clarification.
The list moderator, W4OC, and/or I will send anyone who can't remain
non-personal and stay on topic (hint: contesting) a single warning - by
private email.
Second occurrences will result in un-subscription.
Neither Don, I, nor 99% of the reflector subscribers have the time for
The PVRC, YCCC and NCCC reflectors are abuzz with strategy discussions
on winning SS. We have a medium club gavel to defend - any ideas out