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[SD-User] RoPoCo CW problems

Subject: [SD-User] RoPoCo CW problems
From: Paul G3WYW <>
Date: Sat, 01 Aug 2015 22:44:55 +0100
List-post: <">>
Hi Paul,

I'm having some problems setting up SD for tomorrows CW RoPoCo.

I'm using V18.06 on windows 8.1 laptop, and winkey and FT450 Radio CAT all working fine.
Prompts for initial Post Code.
Using ESM and in Run Mode.
Press Enter and SD sends CQ F1 Message fine and repeated pressing of Enter repeats the CQ message. Enter a call and press enter. Radio sends the callsign of the station then 5 and nothing else. The cursor moves to the incoming Post Code field and the incoming RST has a green bar above it. Pressing Space bar changes prompt to TU and MyCall. Pressing Enter returns to the prompt for incoming postcode. Typing a postcode and pressing enter logs the QSO sends the F3 message and cursor goes to the callsign field ready for the next QSO.
After typing the callsign and pressng enter , it should send his call, 
report and the postcode from the previous QSO or mine for the first QSO.
I must be missing something, but not sure what. My workaround for 
tomorrow is to send the 99 after the 5 for 599 then the postcode manually.
All messages are the defaults.

Here is my sd.ini file for your information.


73 de Paul G3WYW

Attachment: SD.INI
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