I am trying to get my WPX logs done and I am having 1 problem. The last qso
is now the first qso in the WF1B .all log. When converting to cabrillo it is
also the first qso in the log. Can anyone explain? This is the first time in
all my years of contesting this has happened.
The date looks correct. The last qso is now the first.
Band Date Time Call RST Ser# RST Ser# Prefix Pt
10 020210 2359 ND8L 599 1343 599 0082 ND8 1
15 020209 0004 AA5AU 599 0001 599 0006 AA5 1
15 020209 0006 JF2IGP 599 0002 599 0004 JF2 3
Vern Combs