Specifically on holding the "screen", if you click on the very left thin
green bar that goes down the left of the MMTTY screen, it will change to
yellow and stop scrolling. It seems to continue to capture any "print"
coming in, but the screen stays frozen until you click again.
For me, QTCs worked fine dozens of times except once. I was receiving a
batch and clicked to Save them and N1MM errored out. I needed to go back
and do them all again after launching N1MM and opening up MMTTY's log it
saves. The QTC window seemed to automatically do a "paste" when I copied
from the MMTTY notepad window and clicked in the appropriate QTC window.
I needed to edit the QTC header window a few times and clicking in there
clears that entry field. It might be nice to have it just be editable
without clearing.
The only other oddity I noticed was for some stations that I worked on 1
band and had QTCs with, when I worked them on a 2nd band the QTCs didn't
show in the log window so I asked to send/receive QTCs and they said I
already had. It had a couple of times and I didn't come up with some
repeatable steps.
It might be worth displaying a dialog box when pressing Ctrl-Z when you've
already exchanged QTCs. Right now pressing Ctrl-Z just seems to result in
nothing happening.
I did appreciate the colors in the N1MM bandmap, but I'd rather see a NA
station I can't exchange QTCs with be represented as worked in the bandmap
just like a non-NA station I already exchanged QTCs with. In the release I
used, they show as purple even though I could never exchange QTCs. Just
show as worked and be done.
I do enjoy the WAE RTTY though as a nice change of pace.
David - K2DSL
On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 4:16 PM, Dick White <whiter26@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> After not being able to use the RTTY mode since June 27, I got my new
> Signalink working just in time for the WAE contest. It sure is great to be
> working RTTY again. Made 243 Q's in the WAE and a bunch of QTC's for total
> points of 144,100.
> N1MM worked fine except for a couple of glitches. I could not open the S/R
> QTC window the first 2 times I tried. Finally worked ok. One time when I
> was
> sending QTC's it hung up in the middle of the 2nd QTC being sent. Nothing
> worked to get it going and I had to close N1MM. I sure left some DX station
> hanging and I am sorry for that. The poorest QTC's received was station
> that did not have a S/R program like N1MM as his QTC info was sent the same
> as you are typing a note to someone. I asked for "all agn" and got the same
> thing. I shut down the radio to save my screen and hand entered the calls.
> It took some time and that op should be steered to a good contesting
> program. Forgot the call. Ready for the next contest.
> 73 Dick KS0M
> Richard C. "Dick" White
> Fulton, Missouri 65251 U.S.A.
> whiter26@sbcglobal.net
> Amateur Radio Station: KS0M
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