Just to make things more clear...
The picture below the text is a letter from Holy Council (this is more
important from the text itself) which it is addressed to the monasteries
and says among other that only the Holy Council is authorised to give a
written license (that means that monasteries can not give a license),
only special calls are allowed (except for Monks) in Mount Athos (not
portable) and no license has given to anyone the last years. So that
means that any oral permission is not good (I remind that our friends
from Latvia claimed that they had an oral permission from a monastery).
Also sv1rp operation was not legal as the Holy Council says that they
have NOT given any license and possible Monasteries licenses are NOT
good (I remind that George sv1rp claims that he has a license from the
Beside all these Monk Apollo writes that all these tries from several
amateurs (including older tries) to suck the Monks to get a license from
Mount Athos (for example sv1rp asked for a license for educating
purposes) are not the right way for a radio amateur to get a license and
finally make the Monks more cautious to a future try by serious
dxpeditioners. That is not good for Amateur Radio and for a future
dxpedition. He also says that he asked Holy Council if sv1rp operation
is legal and they told him NO.
73 Kostas SV1DPI
On 25/7/2015 6:33 μμ, Bill Turner wrote:
For those like me, still needing Mt. Athos:
(Posted with permission from Bernie, W3UR, of the Daily DX)
It seems SV2ASP/A, Monk Apollo, has posted a response to the past
SY/DJ6SI (April 1991) operation from Mount Athos, which did count for
DXCC, the recent attempt by the Latvians, which was unsuccessful and
the recent operations by SV1RP. The post is in Greek, however you can
click on the English translation. The translation is not that great,
but it is clear where Monk Apollo stands on the issue.
It will be interesting to see what happens with the SV1RP operations,
which I believe could be on going.
Feel free to pass this email to your friends and clubs.
Bernie McClenny, W3UR
Editor of: The Daily DX
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73, Bill W6WRT
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