Call: AA5AU
Operator(s): AA5AU
Station: AA5AU
Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 15.5
Radios: SO2R
Band QSOs Pts Mults
80: 10 100 11
40: 40 470 29
20: 219 2665 74
15: 201 2630 67
10: 30 340 17
Total: 500 6205 198 Total Score = 1,228,590
This was an enjoyable contest to operate after struggling through the last few
contests with poor propagation. 15 & 20 meters were pretty good.
I got a late start and only put in 2.5 hours during the 1st period because of
work and having to take the YL to dinner. Only made 56 Q's. I was able to work
most of the other periods but I would have never believed I would score over a
million points having worked only 2/3 of the contest.
Biggest surprise of the contest, other than decent condx, was having GU0SUP
break a pileup I had going on 15 meters. Great going Phil! Another surprise
was that KH6ND was not very strong on 80 like he usually is here. AA5AU
The biggest disappointment was not being able to give Mike, K4GMH, more
competition. I worked 56 Q's the 1st period, 245 the 2nd and 251 the 3rd
I didn't work a complete 2nd period, taking 1.5 hours off at the end, so I
figure I lost about at least 250 Q's by not operating the whole contest, maybe
What really pushed me to compete hard in the last two periods was a US station
with a 5 callsign not signing / portable the area he was in. I didn't want him
to win the 5th district from another area! hi I'm happy to say that I caught
him and passed him during the 3rd period.
Thanks to SARTG for the great contest. I love the 8 hour format. Thanks to
everyone for all the Q's. See you in SCC, even though I won't be able to put in
a full effort.
73, Don AA5AU