Hello group,
I uploaded the new RCKRtty V2.13 on my homepage http://www.rckrtty.de .
The news are: Version 2.13; 10. Okt. 2001
- Added TRX control for Yaesu FT-840
- Fixed UTC-difference setup for 0.5 hours input
- Improved some functions of the log edit window
- Extend the ADIF-Export
- Improved the WAEDC-Contest mode
The number of already worked QTCs with a callsign is displayed
- Added RCKRtty Web Page access in the main programm
- Update PSKCore.dll V1.13
- Added the <CTX> f-keys variable: clear TX-window
- Added the <CRX> f-keys variable: clear RX-window
- Some changes in the Cabrillo log generator
- AutoQSY at the TRX if a PR-DX-Spot is taken-over
Don't forget to deinstall a previous version.
73 de Walter
Walter Dallmeier, DL4RCK
E-Mail: dl4rck@t-online.de