Call used: GM4FDM
Entry Class: Single Op, All Band
Band QSOs Pts Mults
80 0 0 -
40 39 168 -
20 124 277 -
15 321 763 -
10 231 574 -
----- ---- ---- ----
Total 715 1782 347
Prefixes counted only once (not once per band)
Most frequently worked prefix: OK2 - 10 QSO's
This was disastersville. We had a badstorm last Monday with over100mph
My antenna system took a battering but seemed OK - though I was home late
every night
during the week, from work, and it was dark...... Went to bed Friday night
and got up
early Saturday as my 40m dipole was still on the deck. Saturday morning
was slow
with many repeats and i couldnt quite figger what was wrong. I was using
WF1B on my
laptop with MMTTY onmy main PC. If it crashed once - it crashed 1000 times.
By the afternoon
I was ready to quit....I had only made 300 QSOs. Iwas having to repeat
each qso at least 3 times.
SWR seemed OK but RF was everywhere in the shack./ I ran out of clip on
ferrites as i
tried to tame the beast! Why did I not use my trusty PK232????? Modern
technology - bah - humbug!.
Went to bed on Saturday night puzzling what might be wrong. Arose on
Sunday 6am ready for war,
I wound down my tower and tilted it over to find that - my balun had been
damaged in the storm-and that
onlyone side of the balun was connected. 9am - quick visit to B &Q
(wallmart) couple of soldertags and
half an hour later was back in business. Although thingswere better on
Sunday I never got in a decent 20m
morning opening. 40m was confined toan hour on Sunday night - as we had
visitors drop in unexpected and stayed for dinner [ :-( ].
I'm not sure about WF1B and MMTTY as I had a few crashes on Sunday as well -
or lock ups.....when the screen on one or other computer froze. As I was
trying towork T88 - the wife called dinner and so ............
Well back to the drawing board............I think I much prefer the
simplicity of WF1B and the PK232.....
I neverhad anyRF problems with that set up.......or maybe i need to re-doo
my shack....
Ah well - see you in the next RTTY Test... Apologies to ZL2AMI as I
crashed during theQSO -
it was complete at MY end hihi
73 de tom
Claimed Score: 618354
Software: RTTY by WF1B v5
(("I love children - but I couldn't eat a whole one!"))
GM DX GROUP - Scotland's DX Association