TO4E is lately RTTY-ing on 40 m . Yesterday evening this station was spotted
on 80 m rtty. I can not confirm the 80 m opertation.
I am a rtty fan but below 14 Mc I go for CW mode.
For 40 and 80 m I have put up sloping dipoles (@ 24 m) favouring the
direction. I could make a 40 m rrty qso after listing half an hour to non
decoding signals. The beam operators had theire rtty qso already in the log.
I have a 2el for 10 Mc high in the air (@28 m) and I can tell you that theire
is a lot of difference between a poor man dipole and a beam.
I have been listening for hours to 80 m , cw of course, but no luck in the pile
ups yet
Personally this low band rtty qso are not needed for me, the operators could
spent more time on + 14Mc bands in rtty favoring other continents.
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