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Re: [RFI] Solar Edge / SunRay Uodate

To: rfi@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] Solar Edge / SunRay Uodate
From: David Colburn <qrv@kd4e.com>
Reply-to: qrv@kd4e.com
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 18:22:46 -0400
List-post: <mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
Join a community group on FB, or some other social media platform.

Then ask people if they've experienced cellphone problems, noise on

their radios or TV's.

Tell them that you've reported problems to the Co-op but they won't

take it seriously until several people complain.

Then make it easy for them to complain - voice or text phone #, email address,

FB link, etc.

While doing that - also contact your county or city representatives (commissioners,

city council, etc) and ask them to make an inquiry on your behalf.

'The squeaky wheel gets the grease.'

On 8/27/24 18:01, Wes Stewart via RFI wrote:
  Sounds somewhat similar.
I spoke to the RFI guy at our electric coop yesterday about a different issue 
than the one I've posted about before. (Mystery Noise---still unresolved after 
nearly a year.)

His supervisor had queried him with, "So it's only one guy (me) complaining"?  
The takeaway seems to be if it's only one guy complaining we don't have to fix it.
Wes  N7WS

     On Tuesday, August 27, 2024 at 08:41:22 AM MST, Bob WA2SQQ 
<wa2sqq@gmail.com> wrote:
His attitude was, "so your radio should prevent people from getting
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