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RE: [Karlnet] hello there

To: karlnet@WISPNotes.com
Subject: RE: [Karlnet] hello there
From: Leszek Olszewski <leszek@oslink.pl>
Reply-to: karlnet@WISPNotes.com
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 21:58:43 +0200
List-post: <mailto:karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
What am I doing is:

1. I get AP-1000 running Orinoco firmware 3.70
2. I upgrade it to Karlnet 4.02
3. It reboots and works fine as Karlbridge
4. I connect to it and download configuration
5. I change configuration
6. I try uploading the configuration - it seems to read data from computer for 2-3 seconds then reboots, computer keeps on sending data and after some 15 seconds I get error message about invalid snmpkey and timeout
7. I connect to the bridge and download configuration
8. It's the same configuration as in point nr 3, the very first one - changes have not been saved

Basicaly, there is no way to alter configuration after initial flash.


At 15:47 2002-04-24 -0400, you wrote:
> Yes, it is the same. The box runs fine after first flash, I can't just
> configure it afterwards.

Why don't you explain exactly how you are doing this procedure so we can
follow along with you.  Debugging this kind of stuff over email is difficult
without getting all the steps you are taking.  There is probably one you are
leaving out.

When I did it, I followed these steps...

1) File / Open Remote Config
2) Scan / Hilight the unit you are working with.
3) File / Open Config File
4) Select the .bin file you downloaded from License-It.com
5) Select Import License Key
6) Select the key that you downloaded from License-it.com for this box.
7) Upload software

The box will reboot.  It is now running Karlnet with a different IP address.

1) File / Open Remote Config
2) Scan / Hilight / open

You are done.

Are these the steps you are following?


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