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Re: [Karlnet] which linux distributions work? How much CF spaceneeded f

To: "Karlnet Mailing List" <karlnet@wispnotes.com>, <equipment-l@wisp-equipment.net>
Subject: Re: [Karlnet] which linux distributions work? How much CF spaceneeded for linux?
From: "Bob Hrbek" <bhrbek@jagwireless.com>
Reply-to: Karlnet Mailing List <karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 11:57:35 -0600
List-post: <mailto:karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
Alright, I'm not a pro with Linux but I'm more than dangerous.   How big of
a CF card would you need to load a version of Linux capable of doing a
decent NAT and possibly have a web config?  What version of *nix would be
most suited for this?  The Karlnet Linux client is only like $20 and a
Soekris SBC (qty5) is $175.  Add a PC card ($50) and I've got a $245 CPE w/
Karlnet (less in quantities).

Basically the NAT would have to support VPN's and the DirectX gaming stuff
or my customers would be pissed.

Any thoughts?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Norm Young" <npyoung@applegatebroadband.net>
To: "Karlnet Mailing List" <karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: [Karlnet] which linux distributions work?

> Along these lines, I've been putting in neighborhood repeaters supporting
> residences (we have a very convoluted terrain) or less using a combination
> of a Karlnet SOHO license in bridge mode and a 802.11b AP (BG2000).
> cludgy, in that all the bw limiting, authentication has to be done back at
> the NOC (using MT), so I've been wondering about a more elegant and
> solution.  How about a Linux distro (like the AP distro) running on a SBC
> with two radios in it.  One radio would be a Linux KN client license, and
> the other running as a .11b compliant AP.  This way, the repeater is on
> piece of hardware, routing, authentication, and bw/packet level control
> all available right at the repeater point.   Does anyone think such a
> beastie is possible?
> Norm
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