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[ct-user] Sending QSO number

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] Sending QSO number
From: Joe Stepansky <joe@microserve.net> (Joe Stepansky)
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 23:17:57 -0400
I was testing CT 9.50 this evening for the WAE CW, and noticed that F2 only
sends 5nn (599), NOT 5nn and the QSO number.  Anyone know what I have to do
to get the QSO number to send automatically also?  Everything else works
just fine, it's just that little nit.  I tried an older version of CT and it
did the same thing, so I'm missing something.  Thanks!

73 Joe KQ3F

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