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New Section File for CT

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: New Section File for CT
From: Jim Reisert AD1C" <AD1C@tiac.net (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Fri, 03 May 96 10:40:30 -0400
On Wed, 1 May 1996 08:36:45 -0700, Brian.Spindor@ci.seattle.wa.us wrote:

>     Back in March I inquired about getting my copy of CT 8 updated with 
>     the new Northern New York section.  Where may I obtain a copy of this 
>     update?  Also I still can't get into the CT BBS! Who do I speak to 
>     about getting access to this?  I must say I am a little disappointed 
>     about the support for this software and I am quite certian there are 
>     other amatuers with similiar stories that need to be told.

I offered to update the files, and I still intend to.  I have not had time
because of job constraints.  I will get to it before Field Day.  I don't
see what the big rush is, the first contest that would count the NNY
section is ARRL Sweepstakes in November.

I don't get paid to support CT.  I'm just a volunteer.

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert <AD1C@tiac.net>

Submissions:              ct-user@ve7tcp.ampr.org
Administrative requests:  ct-user-REQUEST@ve7tcp.ampr.org
WWW:                      http://www.ve7tcp.ampr.org/Software/ct
Questions:                owner-ct-user@ve7tcp.ampr.org

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