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Registering CT.EXE

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: Registering CT.EXE
From: aurelio@esrac.ele.tue.nl (Aurelio Bellussi)
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1996 10:38:19 +0100 (MET)
> The REGISTER.EXE is not a data file, but an executable
> program.  You run it, and it registers CT with whatever
> call you tell it to. However, I am not sure if it will
> overwrite an existing call in the program.

It will not, I have tried that.

If you download CT.EXE from the ftp site: ftp.packetcluster.com you can use
register.exe successfully since that CT.EXE is not pre-registered. BTW it's
version 9.27. The file can be found in the outgoing directory of the
mentioned ftp site.

> Anyway, try it. The usage is to type REGISTER at the
> C:> prompt and it will ask you which call you want
> to register.

73 de Aurelio

*   Aurelio M.M. Bellussi,   PA3EZL/AA2WH                    *
*                    E-mail:     a.m.m.bellussi@stud.tue.nl  *
*                           OR   pa3ezl@esrac.ele.tue.nl     *
*                    AX25-mail:  pa3ezl@on5vl.#lg.bel.eu     *
*   Graduate student at Eindhoven University of Technology   *
*   department of Electrical Engineering.                    *

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