The thing that killed the radio support was trying to make dual mode
contests like IARU and WRTC work well. I was frantically changing things
right in my cabin in Finland right up to the start of WRTC to try to
make things good for those guys...
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Reisert []
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 11:57 AM
To: K1EA
Subject: Re: [ct-user] CT Radio support
I'll need the latest CTWIN version to test it with my 756pro
Unfortunately I won't be home to try anything until next Tuesday - have
duty in Plymouth, NH until then.
Thanks for doing this! 9.80 (or was it 9.81) seemed really flakey in
even on 10 meters where we never went split. We backed off to 9.64 and
had no
further radio problems.
- Jim
--- K1EA <> wrote:
> Jim and the rest of the Ct-User community,
> I have been working and re-working the radio control code for weeks
> I'm absolutely sure CT does what you want with respect to jumping from
> split operation to a simplex or split spot and back OK.
> The real big issue is that you can't push the XFC button on the 781 to
> find a new TX freq and have CT know you have moved. The 781 gives no
> indication that it is the second VFO moving around. All it knows is
> the "current display" is changing. You will *have* to use the '-' key
> type in the new freq when you find it.
> Anyway, I'm fairly sure the radio control is working well on my TS940,
> FT1000MP and IC781 for both CT/DOS and CT/WIN (XP and 2K) on my
> particular computers.
> Next I need volunteers for all those other radios, computers and
> operating systems. I tried to be very careful with each flavor of
> as they are ALL DIFFERENT. The ICOM's and Kenwoods have minor
> differences, but still need testing.
> What kind of radio are you using these days?
> Thanks - Ken
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Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
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