Anyone collecting IARU Scores for a listing?
John A. Ross, IV - WB2K / VE2TJA [Zone 2] (
Summit, New Jersey
Contest DXpedition Registry --------->
>From k2mm@MasPar.COM (John Zapisek K2MM) Mon Jul 10 10:01:11 1995
From: k2mm@MasPar.COM (John Zapisek K2MM) (John Zapisek K2MM)
Subject: Rx/Tx Reciprocity
Message-ID: <9507100901.AA06068@greylock.local>
Oops. Denny/K8DO tried to copy cq-contest but he busted the address.
> Subject: Re: Rx/Tx Reciprocity
> From:
> To: k2mm
> Cc:
> Yes! Yes! Yes! In fact, I recommend, to all of you who are my competitors,
> that you put in at least 100dB of receiver attenuation to ensure the proper
> phase relationship of E and I at the Rx input during the contest.......
> Denny
BTW, I omitted to say I assumed flat SWRs:
> Turn on your RX's attenuator unless you're sure it presents a decent
> 50-ohm load to the feedline. Then you can be sure of RX-TX reciprocity.
The feedline has to be matched at both ends.
73. --John/K2MM