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[CQ-Contest] Log what he sends?

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Log what he sends?
From: Hank Greeb <n8xx@arrl.org>
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2017 09:45:54 -0500
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
It doesn't matter what YOUR software calculates.  It only matters what the Log Checkers calculate.  Once I sent Zone 7 instead of Zone 8 for an entire contest, even though I was in zone 8.  I don't remember if I was penalized, but IF the Log Checker compared what I sent to what was on the other fellows log  - I dunno if it was a penalty.
And, when I submit a cabrillo file, I always either do not claim a 
score, or claim "0" for the score.  Claimed score is meaningless to the 
log checker.
72/73 de n8xx Hg
QRP >99.44% of the time

On 12/1/2017 9:39 AM, cq-contest-request@contesting.com wrote:
The problem I see in this case with "copying what is sent" is that your 
software will calculate your claimed score based on the zone
claimed to be worked and will obviously be wrong if you log a zone someone else 
is in.
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