I need Fred's K3ZO e-mail adres.
Thanks-'73 es DX---Alex------WB6AFJ
>From k3tej@pottsville.infi.net (John) Tue Aug 6 21:02:40 1996
From: k3tej@pottsville.infi.net (John) (John)
Subject: Help-Bahamas Dxpedition
Message-ID: <3207A4E0.4EDD@pottsville.infi.net>
I am considering going to the Bahamas for CQWW CW in November. I am
looking for suggestions for a good QTH to operate from. Would like
to setup a tribander, 80m dipole, and a 160m inverted L if possible.
Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated. (If I cant find
some place good in the Bahamas I'll consider going somewhere else
in the Caribbean or central/south america...73...John K3TEJ