A timely note from your Super Check Partial custodian...
When was the last time YOU updated YOUR installed version of Super Check
An easy check is to look for the partial callsign 'VER2' and see what comes
back - there is a data stamp inserted in every release of the form VERyyyymmdd
- for example, the last published SCP would have VER20191102 which should show
up in your logger callsign check window.
SCP is updated EVERY month - usually on the second day of the month.
Each month between additions of newly active calls, the automatic removal of
callsigns that have "aged out" - together with direct requests to
update/add/remove calls, there is around 1,000 changes. Sometime more...
sometime less.
A typical month sees only around 1000 downloads of the new database. This
suggests that many contesters are using an old copy of the database - possibly
24-36 months old - maybe more(!).
SCP is a great tool - when current and when used correctly - always log what
you hear even if it means getting repeats or delaying the next CQ, tuning for
the next S&P Q etc.
Starting with the December release (due out on Monday 12/2...), I will include
the number of downloads in the previous month so that you can get an idea of
the age of the SCP likely in use by the folks you work.
Best wishes for the Holiday Season and the upcoming New Year!
Stu K6TU
PS: Please support SCP - send your CABRILLO formatted logs to
logs@supercheckpartial.com - and please, don't send ADIF, ZIP files, logger
database files or your 3830 report sheets __
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