> I think being in Colorado sure helps for Sprint, as long as
> the skip isn't too long on 20 meters. In the first 45
> minutes on 20 and 40 meters, I would say that 85 % of my
> CQ's get answered. On 80 meters I would say the answer rate
> is about 50 %. I know it's time to change bands when the
> CQ-answer rate goes down to about 20 %.
> 73, Steve, N2IC/0
Would you like to exchange QTH's for the next CW Sprint? I'll pay
your airfare.
Scott Lieberman
UUCP: amdahl.com!kennel!6!scott
INTERNET: scott@f6.n143.z1.FIDONET.ORG
"The views expressed above are those of Scott Lieberman only."