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Re: [CQ-Contest] Improper WPX Exchanges

To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Improper WPX Exchanges
From: "Marijan Miletic" <s56a@bit.si>
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 23:04:10 +0200
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
K1AR wrote: Using M6T is legal and allowed by the rules. Not sending a
report is illegal and specifically against the rules.

As I just exchanged few emails with K1AR about stupid WPX robot which
canceled my 1227 QSO log because of SOAB(A) HP added in subject line after
S56A, let me give you another improper example:

British Amateur Radio Teletype Group organizes one of the oldest RTTY
contests and asks for 4 digit time exchange.
This made sense in the old days with mechanical devices but no point now
with complete computer operation.  
I sent my partial log and wrote that all times exchanged were within two
minutes of logged time and I was DQ.
BARTG later introduced Sprint without redundant 599 but asks for category
specification in subject line :-)

I understand the above thinking of UK and USA hams with a long tradition of
the rule of law but it is not always the case with us in transitional
democracies.  We tend to skip stupid requirements as we lived thru too many
of them!

I had a laugh on G4PIQ@M6T fast speech which reminds me of horse racing
radio commentators.  We can understand fast talk but I was late typing
numbers with two fingers.  I guess he had even more problems with poor
English speakers.  Fortunately only one EA8 used synthesized speech.  Lot of
bad CQ recordings...

73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU

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