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[Amps] Tubes , sockets, etc, for sale, one error corrected !

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] Tubes , sockets, etc, for sale, one error corrected !
From: "Jim Thomson" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 21:49:03 -0700
List-post: <">>
## a couple more  items to add to the above list as follows. 
- 1 x Eimac SK-1306  chimney for the 3CX-15,000A7  [also  fits the 
3CX-10,000A7..and also the 4CX-10,000]
all those tubes are the same 7.05" anode diam. 

-  1 x Eimac SK-806 chimney for a 5CX-15000B   [ or  a 4CX-15000A]
-the fil xfmr for the 5CX-1500B is 5 v @ 40A 

Tnx... Jim  VE7RF   

%%%  The SK-806 chimney  fits the 5CX-1500B... and NOT  a 4CX-15,000..... that 
was an error on my part.

Jim  VE7RF  
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  • [Amps] Tubes , sockets, etc, for sale, one error corrected !, Jim Thomson <=