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Re: [Amps] LDMOS availability

To: <>, "Larry Benko" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] LDMOS availability
From: <>
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2017 22:54:55 -0400
List-post: <>

You made and proved my point for me. The transistor you mention is NOT an 1400 watt class (as I specified in the email) in fact your transistor is not even close, it is closer to 140 watt out (if memory serves) That makes your statement off by a factor of 10. You asked me to be careful, I was very carful to specify 1400 watt class in my email.
Thank you , Bruce, W8HW

-----Original Message----- From: Larry Benko
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2017 20:40
Subject: Re: [Amps] LDMOS availability


The MRF-150 came out in 1983/84 and Helge Granberg produced the Motorola
app not EB-104 using the XRF-150 in the same year.  It is still readily
available.  Be careful with your FACTS!

Larry, W0QE

On 6/5/2017 5:12 PM, wrote:
Actually you do NOT have your crystal ball to predict the future so your statement is NOT based in fact, only an opinion. I prefer to go with facts, so hear we go.
FACT... Because we can not see into the future, we only have history to 
look at.
FACT... History has shown us that RF power devices have NOT survived 15 
years of manufacture very well... IN FACT... I challenge you to show me 
the facts. Show me a solid state RF transistor in that power class (RF 
1400 watts out) that has been in production for 15 years and is still in 
production today. I am open minded and would love to see your report.
FACT... I noticed that you did not mention if they agree to the $100k 
Guarantee. Why is that important, see below.
FACT... If they are sure that they will keep production going until the 
year 2032 (15 years), then that guarantee should BE NO PROBLEM for them. 
Talk is cheep
FACT... If you feel that is an unfair request, then that tells us that 
(Deep down) you do not believe them either. Please do not tell me that you 
DO have a crystal ball.
FACT... Many high power tubes (8877 and 3-500) do have a rich 40+ year 
history with no end in sight.
FACT... I have purchased the BLF188 because I CAN afford both the cost and 
the risk. However people who can not afford the cost and risk may wish to 
take this into consideration.
FACT... I have been in the RF repair industry since 1971 and have seen and 
faced this issue happen over and over again. How long have you been in 
73, Bruce, W8HW

-----Original Message----- From: Per Molund
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2017 14:55
To: ; ; Tom Thompson
Subject: Re: [Amps] LDMOS availability

Actually they have put it in writing, on the data sheet (although
prelimenary at the moment) they state 'Included in NXP product
longevity program with assured supply for a minimum of 15 years after
launch' which I see as a quite firm commitment. Or do You have an
example that NXP has not fullfilled their 'longevity program'
commitment for some components?

73 de LA9XKA - Per

At 19:08 05.06.2017, wrote:
Talk is cheep. Ask them if they will put that in writing? Also ask if they will put a penalty clause stating they will give you a $100k payment should they fail the 15 year test. After all if it was true, they should have no problems with that. On the other hand if they baulk , that tells you that they are just talk with no truth. Additionally, Please be honest... If you are reluctant to ask them for that guarantee, that shows that you KNOW they are just talk. Someone or Anyone let me know if anyone gets that guarantee.
Remember company plans do change with new management or when they get a 
bad P&L. This is especially true if they are listed on any exchange such 
as NASDAQ. Like the dip in early 2016 (NXPI at $65) and now back on a 
good clime this year ($109.00) now. companies tend to make strong claims 
on the peek and pull claims back claims on the stock dip. Often they have 
no choice. The device market history is the only good indicator. Solid 
State RF power devices still have a very poor history. Translation... the 
market speaks with authority, companies just talk.
I have a solid state amp (dual BLF188) homebrew amp, and have two (2) 
tube amps one of which is AL-1500 with 8877 tube. I love them all, but 
understand the risk of SS replacement as I have been in broadcasting or 
the RF repair business since 1971 and a Ham since 1962. I have lived 
through everything that I have said above.
73, Bruce, W8HW
-----Original Message----- From: Tom Thompson
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2017 11:18
Subject: [Amps] LDMOS availability

I recently took part in a webinar on the new, 1800 watt, 65 volt, LDMOS
transistors made by NXP.  It is the MRFX1K80, and NXP plans to produce
it for at least 15 years.

Tom   W0IVJ
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