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[Amps] uneven plate glow

Subject: [Amps] uneven plate glow
From: "John Lyles" <>
Date: Fri, 9 May 2008 10:28:28 -0600
List-post: <">>
 Bill and Carl's sugestions are excellent . One more possibility is that one of 
the sockets isn't making good contact so that tube is emission starved. Have 
you tried swapping the 2 tubes in their sockets to see if the problem moves 
with the tubes? Are the date codes on the glass similar? Check socket soldering 

John K5PRO

> In an L-4B amp I have just purchased, the two 3-500Zs show uneven plate 
> glow at idle. Both tubes are Eimac 3-500Zs. Resting plate current is 
> approx 180 ma for the pair, but one tube shows almost no color, the 
> other quite a bit of color. Does this indicate overall condition of the 
> tubes? At 100 watts of drive, I'm seeing about 200 ma of grid current, 
> 650 ma of plate current at 2500VDC, and about 1000 watts output. I would 
> think that a matched pair (which these probably are not) would show 
> about the same amount of color, but this seems to indicate that one tube 
> is drawing more current at idle, and probably more current at full 
> power. I have not tried them individually. Any ideas or comment? Thanks, 
> Charles, K4ZRJ

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