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[Amps] Clipperton L advice

Subject: [Amps] Clipperton L advice
From: mike stokes <>
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2009 08:19:13 -0400
List-post: <">>
I was given a Clipperton L 5 years ago and was told the Primary on the
transformer was shorted.  Finally getting around to working on it and I have
confirmed the transformer is bad as well as the diode string the voltage
doubler circuit is shorted.  My questions are as follows:

Should I totally rebuild the power supply replacing all diodes, caps etc, or
just those that have failed?

 Any other Mods I should implement?  I will look into the poor performance
on 160 after I get it working.

 Thanks in advance.

Mike Stokes
Amps mailing list

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