I just got scammed on some fake and counterfeit 2SC3133 transistors on
EBay. They have the emitter and collector pins REVERSED! Blew up some
additional stuff in the Icom 751A that I'm repairing.
I hope you gave the seller some well deserved negative feedback? A note
to eBay might also serve to let off some steam - but likely not for much
more. I sent a suggestion to eBay a few days ago - and only got back an
automated reply telling me to call them by phone at their call center,
I'm presently waiting for two pairs of RF transistors from China. A set
of drivers and a set of finals, both for two different Icom radios. In
both cases I ordered them from China because I couldn't find any other
place to order them from. RF Parts doesn't list them. I will let you all
know whether what I get are real or fake parts.
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